Economics MCQs

Page No. 111

A personality refers to______________?

abehavioral traits of a person

b emotions of a person

c attitudes of a person

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

Maturation for humans involves ?


bthe development of instincts

cphysical development

d learning to be responsible

View Answer physical development

An individual learns to be a human being by______________?



ccosmic influences

din our society watching television

View Answer socialization

According to George Herbert Mead the self is______________?

a the subconscious mind

ban individual’s self-concept or self-awareness

ca person’s conscience

d the equivalent of the libido in Freuds theory

Which of the following refers to Piaget,s developmental theory ?

aPersonality development acts independently of physical development

b Personality development proceeds in stages related to sensorimotor maturation

cBehavior is the product of genetic predispositions

d The most important influence on personality development is social class

The emergence of the self as a result of interaction with others is a common thread in ALL BUT ONE of the following theories ?

aLookingglass self

bsymbolic interactionism


d developmental theory

View Answer behaviorism

The theory of symbolic interactionism in personality formation is associated with_______________?

a William Sheldon

bAbraham Maslow

cCharles Horton Cooley

dGeorge Herbert Mead

View Answer Abraham Maslow

Specialized socialization occurs most frequently in________________?

a the family

bthe peer groups


d occupational groups or organizations

Americans who join voluntary associations are generally ?





View Answer urban

It is true that_____________?

aformal organizations are the same as institution

bformal organizations are based on groups of people

cinstitutions are groups of people

dinstitutions are voluntary

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