Civil Engineering MCQs

Page No. 210

In the equation of virtual work, following force is neglected_______________?

areaction of any smooth surface with which the body is in contact

b reaction of a rough surface of a body which rolls on it without slipping

c reaction at a point or an axis, fixed in space, around which a body is con-strained to turn

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

The resultant of the following three couples 20 kg force, 0.5 m arm, $ ve sense 30 kg force, 1 m arm, – ve sense 40 kg force, 0.25 m arm, + ve sense having arm of 0.5 m will be_________________?

a20 kg, – ve sense

b20 kg, + ve sense

c 10 kg, + ve sense

d10 kg, – ve sense

View Answer 20 kg, – ve sense

The coefficient of friction depends on_________________?

aarea of contact

bshape of surfaces

c strength of surfaces

dnature of surface

View Answer nature of surface

The ratio of limiting friction and normal reaction is known as_______________?

a coefficient of friction

b angle of friction

c angle of repose

dsliding friction

On a ladder resting on smooth ground and leaning against vertical wall, the force of friction will be__________________?

a towards the wall at its upper end

baway from the wall at its upper end

cupwards at its upper end

ddownwards at its upper end

Frictional force encountered after commencement of motion is called________________?

apost friction

blimiting friction

ckinematic friction

ddynamic friction

View Answer dynamic friction

Pick up wrong statement about friction force for dry surfaces. Friction force is________________?

aproportional to normal load between the surfaces

bdependent on the materials of contact surface

cproportional to velocity of sliding

dindependent of the area of contact surfaces

A particle moves along a straight line such that distance (x) traversed in t seconds is given by x = t2 (t – 4), the acceleration of the particle will be given by the equation_________________?





View Answer 6f-8

A projectile is fired at an angle 9 to the vertical. Its horizontal range will be maximum when 9 is_________________?




d 60°

View Answer 45°

Coulomb friction is the friction between_________________?

abodies having relative motion

btwo dry surfaces

ctwo lubricated surfaces

dsolids and liquids

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