Civil Engineering MCQs

Page No. 209

A heavy ladder resting on floor and against a vertical wall may not be in equilibrium, if______________?

a the floor is smooth, the wall is rough

bthe floor is rough, the wall is smooth

cthe floor and wall both are smooth surfaces

dthe floor and wall both are rough sur-faces

Two coplanar couples having equal and op-posite moments_________________?

a balance each other

b produce a couple and an unbalanced force

care equivalent

dcan not balance each other

The product of either force of couple with the arm of the couple is called________________?

aresultant couple

bmoment of the forces

c resulting couple

dmoment of the couple

View Answer moment of the couple

The center of gravity of a uniform lamina lies at_______________?

athe center of heavy portion

b the bottom surface

cthe mid point of its axis

dall of the above

Center of percussion is______________?

athe point of C.G.

bthe point of metacentre

cthe point of application of the resultant of all the forces tending to cause a body to rotate about a certain axis

dpoint of suspension

The units of moment of inertia of an area are_______________?

akg m2




View Answer m4

The center of gravity of a triangle lies at the point of__________________?

aconcurrence of the medians

bintersection of its altitudes

cintersection of bisector of angles

dintersection of diagonals

The possible loading in various members of framed structures are_______________?

acompression or tension

b buckling or shear

cshear or tension

d all of the above

A trolley wire weighs 1.2 kg per meter length. The ends of the wire are attached to two poles 20 meters apart. If the horizontal tension is 1500 kg find the dip in the middle of the span________________?

a 2.5 cm

b3.0 cm

c4.0 cm

d5.0 cm

View Answer 4.0 cm

Pick up the incorrect statement from the following _______________?

aThe C.G. of a circle is at its center

b The C.G. of a triangle is at the intersection of its medians

cThe C.G. of a rectangle is at the inter-section of its diagonals

dThe C.G. of a semicircle is at a distance of r/2 from the center

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