Chemical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 640

Pick out the wrong statement?

aWhen the concentration difference for the mass transfer becomes zero at the bottom of the gas absorption tower, then the upper end of the operating line touches the equilibrium curve

bThe average distance between the operating line and equilibrium line is large, when the liquidgas ratio is also large in case of a counter current gas absorption tower

cThe operating line lies above the equilibrium curve in case of a gas desorber

dWith decrease in the liquid flow rate for a fixed gas flow rate, the slope of the operating line decreases, in case of gas absorption process

Pick out the wrong statement?

aIn the McCabe-Thiele diagram for binary distillation, vertical feed line represents saturated liquid feed and horizontal feed line represents saturated vapour feed

bIn small columns, local efficiency is larger than Murphree efficiency; in large columns local efficiency is smaller than Murphree efficiency

cFor Laminar flow over a plate of length L, the local mass transfer co-efficient at a distance L from the leading edge is 1.5 × 10-2m/s. Then the average mass transfer co-efficient for the plate is 2 × 10-2m/s

dThe concentration and hydrodynamic boundary layers over a flat plate are of equal thickness, if Schmidt number is equal to unity

Pick out the wrong statement ?

aCellulose acetate membranes are used in dialysis process

bElutriation process refers to when the soluble material is largely concentrated on the surface of an insoluble solid and is simply washed off by the solvent

cCascade’ means a group of stages interconnected so that various streams flow from one to another

dZirconia probe is used for the humidity measurement

Pick out the wrong statement?

aThe operating line always lies above the equilibrium solubility curve in case of a single component absorber

bThe operating line always lies below the equilibrium solubility curve in case of a single component stripper

cThe operating pressure in solvent extraction system should be below vapor pressures of all components

dThe solubility of a particular gas in ideal solution in any solvent is always the same

Pick out the wrong statement?

aCritical moisture content is not a property of the material itself

bA sharp increase in pressure drop gives an indication of the flooding in a distillation column

cSeparation of components is not possible in liquid extraction, if selectivity is unity

dDehydration of ethyl alcohol is most economically done by molecular distillation at very high vacuum

With increase in pressure, the relative volatility for a binary system__________________?



cRemains same

dEither A. or B., depends on the system

View Answer Decreases

Which of the following adsorbent is used in the refining of sugar?

aBone charcoal

bWood charcoal

cSilica gel

dActivated clay

View Answer Bone charcoal

Channelling in a packed tower results from the_____________________?

aHigh pressure drop

bMaldistribution of liquid

cNon-uniformity of packing

dBoth B. and C.

View Answer Both B. and C.

The following plot gives the saturated humidity (He) versus temperature (T).Line joining (H1, T1) and (H2, T2) is the constant enthalpy line. Choose the correct one from among the alternatives A, B, C and D____________________?

aT1-Dew point temp; T2-Dry bulb temp; T3-Wet bulb temp

bT1-Dew point temp; T2-Wet bulb temp; T3-Dry bulb temp

cT1-Wet bulb temp; T2-Dry bulb temp; T3-Dew point temp

dT1-Dry bulb temp; T2-Wet bulb temp; T3-Dew point temp

In a binary system, separation is very efficient, when the relative volatility is_______________?


b> 1

c< 1


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