Chemical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 507

Removable connection of tubes to tube sheet is called___________________?





View Answer Ferrule

In a pressure vessel containing multiple openings of various dimensions at different parts, stress concentration at the edges of the opening is maximum which becomes negligibly small beyond the area covered by ______________ times the hole diameter?





View Answer Two

1.2 to 3.8 cms is the value of the ______________________?

aDowncomer liquid seal in case of a balanced tray design

bStatic submergence in case of a bubble cap tray for column operating under pressure (≥ 1 atm)

cSkirt clearance for bubble caps

dAll A., B. and C.

View Answer All A., B. and C.

The longitudinal stress induced in a thin walled cylindrical vessel under internal pressure is_________________?





View Answer pd/4t

Scale up problem in design based on the similarity concept takes into account _______________ similarity?




dAll A., B. and C.

View Answer All A., B. and C.

If ‘D’ is the inside diameter of the shell of a shell and tube heat exchanger, then the baffle spacing is usually in the range of__________________?

aD/2 or minimum 2″ to 5D

bD/5 or minimum 2″ to 5D

cD/5 or minimum 2″ to D

dNone of these

For turbulent flow (NRe > 2100) of low viscosity fluid (μ > 20cp) in steel pipes, the optimum inside pipe diameter is given by(where, Q = fluid flow rate, ft3/sec, ρ = fluid density, lb/ft3 μ = fluid viscosity, centipoise Di = optimum inside pipe diameter, inches) ?

aDi, opt = 3.9 Q0.45 ρ0.13

bDi, opt = 3.9 Q0.45. μ0.95

cDi, opt = 4.7 Q0.36. μ3.2ρ0.13

dDi, opt = 3 Q0.36. μ0.88

In a shell and tube heat exchanger, the shortest centre to centre distance between the adjacent tubes is__________________?

aCalled tube pitch

bCalled tube clearance

cAlways less than the diameter of the tube

dNone of these

View Answer Called tube pitch

In hydrostatic testing of welded pipe (for leakage, strength etc.) the ratio of minimum hydrostatic test pressure to internal design pressure is around __________________?





View Answer 1.5

Tube wall thickness depends on the corrosiveness of the fluids and their operating pressure & temperature and is specified by Birmingham wire gauge (B.W.G)-a number which varies from 8 to 18 with the numbers 14 and 16 being more commonly used. Outside diameter of tubes varies from about 15 to 50 mm; however a tube of less than _____________ mm outside diameter is generally not recommended for fouling fluids ?





View Answer 19

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