Chemical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 506

For a 25 mm hole drilled in plates to be riveted, the shank diameter of the rivet should be _______________ mm?





View Answer 23

In case of a ‘thin’ pressure vessel, the ratio of its diameter to wall thickness is_________________?

a< 10

b> 10

c> 20


View Answer > 10

Value of Peclet number = 0, is the representative of ____________________?

aLaminar flow

bComplete back mixing

cPlug flow

dEddy diffusivity = 0

View Answer Complete back mixing

Steam economy is defined as the amount of evaporation per unit amount of steam used, while the capacity is the total evaporation obtained per hour. Use of multiple effects in evaporation ?

aIncreases capacity

bIncreases economy

cDoes not affect the capacity

dBoth B. & C.

View Answer Both B. & C.

Value of Peclet number = ∞, is the representative of___________________?

aLaminar flow

bComplete back mixing

cPlug flow

dEddy diffusivity = 0

View Answer Plug flow

Baffles are provided in a shell and tube heat exchanger to increase the turbulence and velocity of the shell side fluid. Which of the following shaped baffles does not fall in the category of transverse baffle ?

aSegmental baffle

bFlat plate extending across the wall

cDisk type baffle

dHelical type baffle

The design stress, which is more than the damaging stress, is the least unit stress that will render a member unfit for service before the end of its normal life. The design stress factor or factor of safety indicates the margin between design stress and the _______________ stress?




dNone of these

View Answer Damaging

At equal mass velocities, the values of film co-efficients for gases as compared to that for liquids are generally ?





View Answer Lower

(Le/D) for a Tee (used as elbow, entering run) would be around _______________________?





View Answer 60

Bubble cap tray is the most commonly used tray in large distillation column, because______________?

aOf its flexibility and nearly constant efficiency under varying conditions of operation

bIt incurs less pressure drop as compared to any other try designed for the same duty

cIt eliminates the foaming and entrainment tendency during operation

dNone of these

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