Software Architecture Design Mcqs

Page No. 14

An object symbol is divided into what parts?

aTop compartment

bBottom Compartment

cAll of the mentioned

dNone of the mentioned

View Answer All of the mentioned

Which of these are the heuristics?

aName classes, attributes, and roles with noun phrases

bName operations and associations with verb phrases

cStick to binary associations

dAll of the mentioned

View Answer All of the mentioned

Which among these are the rules to be considered to form Class diagrams?

aClass symbols must have at least a name compartment

bCompartment can be in random order

cAttributes and operations can be listed at any suitable place

d None of the mentioned

What is multiplicity for an association?

aThe multiplicity at the target class end of an association is the number of instances that can be associated with a single instance of source class

bThe multiplicity at the target class end of an association is the number of instances that can be associated with a number instance of source class

cAll of the mentioned

dNone of the mentioned

What among the following statement is true?

aAssociations may also correspond to the relation between instances of three or more classes

b Association lines may be unlabeled or they may show association name

cAll of the mentioned

dNone of the mentioned

View Answer All of the mentioned

Which of these are part of the class operation specification format?


bparameter list

creturn-type list

dall of the mentioned

View Answer all of the mentioned

An operation can be described as?

aObject behavior

bClass behavior


dObject & Class behavior

What should be mentioned as attributes for conceptual modelling?

aInitial Values


cAll of the mentioned

dNone of the mentioned

View Answer All of the mentioned

An attribute is a data item held by which of the following?



cAll of the mentioned

dNone of the mentioned

View Answer All of the mentioned

A class is divided into which of these compartments?

aName Compartmen

bAttribute Compartment

cOperation Compartment

dAll of the mentioned

View Answer All of the mentioned

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