Oral Anatomy MCQs

Page No. 13

Basically TMJ is a_____________?

aBall and socket joint

bHinge and axis joint

cSynovial joint

dDiartmodal joint

View Answer Diartmodal joint

Which of the following muscles moves the condyle and articular disc anterior and downwards on glenoid fossa______________?

aLateral pterygoid

bMedial pterygoid

cTemporalies- anterior fibers

dTemporalies- posterior fibers

View Answer Lateral pterygoid

Position and movement of articular disc of TMJ is controlled by fibers of_____________?

aLower head of lateral pterygoid muscle

bSphenomandibular ligament

cSuperficial head of medial pterygoid muscle

dUpper head of lateral pterygoid muscle

Thinnest labial plate is found in the region of____________?

aUpper central incisors

bLower central incisors

cUpper canines

dLower canines

Which of the following movement (s) is / are involved in the opening of the mouth?

aOnly hinge ( rotation )

bOnly translation

cHinge followed by translation

dTranslation followed by hinge

Articular disc of TMJ is__________?

aThickest posteriorly

bNarrow in the centre

cStrengthened by lateral pterygoid

dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

The zygomatic bone does not articulate with________________?

aFrontal bone

bMaxillary bone

cNasal bone

dTemporal bone

View Answer Nasal bone

Which of the following is not a structural element of the temporomandibular joint ?

aSigmoid notch

bArticular disc

cCapsular ligament

dJoint cavities

View Answer Sigmoid notch

On opening the mouth , if the jaw deviates to the right side, it indicates the paralysis of__________?

aRight lateral pterygoid

bLeft lateral pterygoid

cRight medial pterygoid

dLeft medial pterygoid

Depression of mandible is achieved by_______________?


bLateral pterygoid


dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

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