General Anatomy MCQs

Page No. 19

What is true about pharyngotympanic tube ( Eustachian tube) ?

aIt opens into oropharynx

bSupplied by IX nerve

cLined stratified squamous epithelium

dIt is cartilaginous throughout its length

View Answer Supplied by IX nerve

Walderyer’s lymphatic chain is formed by all except_____________?

a palatine tonsils

bPharyngeal tonsils

cTubal and lingual tonsils

dPost auricular nodes

View Answer Post auricular nodes

The arterial supply of trachea is by________________?

aBronchial artery

bTracheal artery

cInferior thyroid artery

dSuperior thyroid artery

Little’s area constitutes________________?

a Anastamosis between branch of maxillary artery and branch of facial artery.

bAnastamosis between two branches of facial artery .

cAnastamosis between two branches of maxillary artery

dNone of the above

The maxillary air sinus opens into middle meatus at______________?


bSummit of infundibulum

cBulla ethmoidalis

dHiatus semilunaris

View Answer Hiatus semilunaris

Which of the following statements regarding middle constrictor muscle is wrong__________________?

aLies on superior constrictor

bLymph from it drains in the deep cervical lymph nodes

cHas sensory innervation from vagus

dIs a derivative of the second pharyngeal arch

Which of the following muscle is attached to posterior part of pterygomandibular raphe ?

aLateral pterygoid


cSuperior constrictor

dMedial pterygoid

View Answer Superior constrictor

Cricothyroid is supplied by_______________?


bRecurrent laryngeal nerve

cHypoglossal nerve

dSuperior laryngeal nerve

Nasopharynx consists of all except_______________?

aPyriform recess

bPharyngeal recess

cPharyngeal tonsil

dSalpingopharyngeal fold

View Answer Pyriform recess

The place where the hard palate is continuous with soft palate posteriorly is overlapped by________________?

aAlveolar periosteum



dAn aponeurosis

View Answer An aponeurosis

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