English Literature MCQs

Page No. 256

how many children chaucer had ?





View Answer 4

To what did the word the roman, from which the genre of “romance”emerged, initially apply ?

aa work derived from a Latin text of the Roman Empire

ba story about love and adventure

ca Roman official

da work written in the French vernacular

Which influential medieval text purported to reveal the secrets of the afterlife ?

aDante’s Divine Comedy

bBoccaccio’s Decameron

cThe Dream of the Rood

dChaucer’s Legend of Good Women

Chaucer became a member of Parliament in_______________?




dnone of the above

View Answer 1386

what did Chaucer’s wife use to do ?

alady-in-waiting to Queen Philip pa of Hainaut

bnurse of royal court

cgoverness to Henry IV

dnone of the above

Which of the following statements is not an accurate description of Old English poetry ?

aRomantic love is a guiding principle of moral conduct.

bIts formal and dignified use of speech was distant from everyday use of language.

cIrony is a mode of perception, as much as it was a figure of speech.

dChristian and pagan ideals are sometimes mixed

What is the first extended written specimen of Old English ?

aBoethius’s Consolidation of Philosophy

bSaint Jerome’s translation of the Bible

cMalory’s Morte Darthur

da code of laws promulgated by King Ethelbert

Popular English adaptations of romances appealed primarily to____________________?

athe royal family and upper orders of the nobility

bthe lower orders of the nobility

cagricultural laborers

dthe clergy

View Answer the clergy

Which of the following best describes litote, a favorite rhetorical device in Old English poetry ?

aembellishment at the service of Christian doctrine

brepetition of parallel syntactic structures

cironic understatement

dstress on every third diphthong

View Answer ironic understatement

In Anglo-Saxon heroic poetry, what is the fate of those who fail to observe the sacred duty of blood vengeance ?

abanishment to Asia

beverlasting shame

cconversion to Christianity

dbeing buried alive

View Answer everlasting shame

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