English Literature MCQs

Page No. 166

This approach provides a universalistic approach to literature and identifies a reason why certain literature may survive the test of time. It works well with works that are highly symbolic.What approach has this advantage ?





Christopher Ricks would most likely DISAGREE with which of the following claims about literary theory ?

aLiterary theory is limited in its ability to interpret a text.

bLiterary theory often depends on esoteric knowledge to be properly understood.

cLiterary theory is employed mostly by academics.

dLiterary theory is the only proper way to conceptualize literary texts.

This critical approach assumes that language does not refer to any external reality. It can assert several, contradictory interpretations of one text ?


bFormalist Criticism


dMimetic Criticism

View Answer Deconstructionism

In which the following works Plato discusses his Theory of Poetry ?



cThe Republic


View Answer The Republic

The term Electra Complex has originated from a tragedy entitled Electra. Who is the author of his tragedy ?





View Answer Sophocles

Aristotle and Plato belong to phase of criticism ?





View Answer Hellenic

In which essay did Arnold say that for good literature to flourish two powers are necessary – creative and the critical ?

aThe Function of Criticism

bThe Study of Poetry

cPreface to Eighteen Fifty Three poems

dEssay on Wordsworth

Who considers poetry ‘a mother of lies’ ?




dStephen Gosson

View Answer Stephen Gosson

Michael Foucault was the major practitioner of this school of criticism?

aFormalist Criticism



dMimetic Criticism

View Answer Structuralism

Which of the following best describes the difference between literary criticism and literary theory ?

aLiterary criticism is concerned only with the meaning of a literary work, while literary theory is concerned only with the structure of a literary work.

bLiterary criticism draws upon research derived from sources outside literature, while literary theory draws upon sources within a text.

cLiterary theory is concerned with the method used to interpret a work, while literary criticism is the application of literary theory.

dAll of the above answers are correct.

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