English Literature MCQs

Page No. 153

Well, then; I have received personal information, from a very high quarter, that a certain document of the last importance, has been purloined from the royal apartments. The individual who purloined it is known; this beyond a doubt; he was seen to take it. It is known, also, that it still remains in his possession. What is the meaning of the verb to purloin ?

aTo borrow

bTo steal

cTo ruin

dTo return

View Answer To steal

Apess concludes his piece by____________?

aPredicting the Apocalypse

bDeclaring his intention to run for public office

cCalling for Native Americans to declare themselves independent of the U.S. government

dExhorting his allies and advocates to continue working to end prejudice

Where does Senator Bird take Eliza and Harry ?

aTo a Congregationalist community

bTo a Methodist community

cTo a Quaker settlement

dTo Philadelphia

Sherwood Anderson

aAt Lake Tahoe.

bAt Willow Pond.

cAt the Feather River.

dAt Walden Pond.

View Answer At Walden Pond.

Who coined the phrase ‘Lost Generation’ ?


bGertude Stein

cF. Scott Fitzserald

dSherwood Anderson

View Answer Gertude Stein

According to the myth, how did frogs loose their teeth ?

aFrogs used to eat rocks and one day a frog ate a rock that was too hard and smashed its teeth.

bFrogs never had any teeth.

cHare hit a frog with a club and burned the frog and cursed it by declaring it would never be able to harm anyone because it threatedned to hunt the hare down with dogs.

dGrandmother wanted to eat frog leg stew so she captured a frog and extracted its teeth one by one while chanting a Winnebago song, and since then frogs were without teeth.

Wanders in that happy valley Through two luminous windows saw Spirits moving musically To a lute’s well-tunéd law, Round about a throne, where sitting (Porphyrogene!) In state his glory well befitting, The sovereign of the realm was seen. What does Porphyrogene mean ?

aBorn to be free

bInflicted with the disease Porphyria

cOf royal birth

dWearing purple robes

View Answer Of royal birth

Who is the central character in Hemingway’s novel The Old Man and the Sea ?




dNone of the above

View Answer Santiago

What term describes Cassy’s racial heritage ?





View Answer Mulatto

According to the myth, which of the following are likely hunting preparation rituals that the Winnebago perform ?

aBurning tobacco as an offering

bSinging songs

cEntering into a trance to commune with the spirits of the natural world.

dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

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