Electrical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 270

A 3-phase induction motor stator delta connected, is carrying full load and one of its fuses blows out. Then the motor_______________?

awill continue running burning its one phase

b will continue running burning its two phases

cwill stop and carry heavy current causing permanent damage to its winding

dwill continue running without any harm to the winding

Size of a high speed motor as compared to low speed motor for the same H.P. will be__________?




d any of the above

View Answer smaller

Slip of an induction motor is negative when_____________?

amagnetic field and rotor rotate in opposite direction

b rotor speed is less than the synchronous speed of the field and are in the same direction

crotor speed is more than the synchronous speed of the field and are in the same direction

dnone of the above

If an induction motor with certain ratio of rotor to stator slots, runs at 1/7 of the normal speed, the phenomenon will be termed as____________?


b hunting



View Answer crawling

The ‘cogging’ of an induction motor can be avoided by____________?

aproper ventilation

busing DOL starter

c auto-transformer starter

dhaving number of rotor slots more or less than the number of stator slots (not equal)

The power factor of an induction motor under no-load conditions will be closer to_____________?

a0.2 lagging

b0.2 leading

c0.5 leading


View Answer 0.2 lagging

The ‘crawling” in an induction motor is caused by___________?

ahigh loads

blow voltage supply

cimproper design of machine

d harmonics developed in the motor


a changing supply frequency

bchanging number of poles

cchanging winding resistance

dreducing supply voltage

DOL starting of induction motors is usually restricted to_____________?

a low horsepower motors

bvariable speed motors

chigh horsepower motors

dhigh speed motors

In a three-phase induction motor, the number of poles in the rotor winding is always__________?

a zero

bmore than the number of poles in stator

cless than number of poles in stator

d equal to number of poles in stator

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