Economics MCQs

Page No. 95

If the GNP increases by 8% and prices increase by 3% the actual growth rate is_______________?


b 5%



View Answer 5%

When the government must pay for fighter planes based on commitments made five years previously the spending the spending is called________________?





View Answer uncontrollable

Manipulation of taxation and spending levels is______________?

afiscal policy

bmonetary policy


drevenue policy

View Answer fiscal policy

What is the Phillips curve ?

aa reference to a government economist favoring high taxes

ba special kind of screw driver that reflects the functioning of the economy

ca graphic representation of conflict between full employment and inflation

da deflationary curve

Engineers lawyer’s investment bankers’ top CEOs entertainers and so on are described as_____________?

anouveau riches

b generation x-ers

cbaby boomers

dsymbolic analysts

View Answer symbolic analysts

Economic policies do not work as well as they should because of obstacles posed by______________?




dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

During and after a depression the government can use fiscal policy through its powers of_____________?

aspending and taxation

bwage regulation

cincome ceilings

dbank regulation

View Answer spending and taxation

A demand-side theory that focuses on the role of money to finance aggregate demand is termed__________?



c the gold standard

dcash and carry

View Answer monetarism

The Keynesian revolution acknowledged_________________ ?

a that the masses were being exploited

bthat the market was inherently unstable

c the need for the intervention of the owners of the means of production

d that industrial workers were becoming the new bourgeoisie

One of the functions of public policy is to________________?

amediate among conflicting economic goals

bplan to ensure the correct mix of supply and demand

censure that everyone is a sinner in the economy

dnone of the above

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