Economics MCQs

Page No. 92

A low incidence of crime is more characteristic of________________?

ahomogeneous societies

bsocieties that value the social group over the individual

c societies with a ruthless police force

donly and b

View Answer only and b

Drug addiction has been characterized as a victimless crime meaning ?

adrug addiction is a sustainable life style

b drug users are not responsible for their actions

caddicts choose to be addicted and hurt no one but themselves

dsociety does care what happens to addicts

Gambling and prostitution are included in the category of______________?

aorganized crime

b crimes against persons

c social order crimes

dsins against religious teaching

Howard Becker,s term for the process whereby individuals are accused sermonized and punished is_______________?

aprimary deviance

bsecondary deviance

ctertiary deviance


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Criminologists Cloward and Ohlin Classified delinquent gangs into which of the following categories ?

aRitualistic territorial rebel

bRealist drug and alcohol territorial

cConflict subcultural criminal

dCriminal realist conflict

A medical model of deviance assumes that it is caused by_________________?



cmental defects

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

Serious mental disorders that often require periods of hospitalization or institutionalization are called____________?




d all of the above

View Answer psychoses

Biological explanations of deviance________________?

a were popular during the first half of the 20th century

bagree on the causes of deviance

c are strongly supported scientifically

dexplain all types of deviance

According to the differential association theory deviant acts are_________________?

aconsidered normal by some antisocial individuals

bcaused by abnormal chromosomes

c learned through interaction with others

dthe result of social deprivation

Which of the following acts does NOT constitute a crime if committed by an adult ?

a illegal drug use

bCopyright infringement



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