Economics MCQs

Page No. 56

Where one stands in the social hierarchy is intimately related to________________?

ahow one performs one,s job

b how long one lives

c how much stress one experiences

donly B and C

View Answer only B and C

The loss of entire categories of jobs without the creation of new occupations would be_______________?

astructural mobility of a negative sort

b horizontal mobility

cintragenerational mobility

dstatus ambiguity

Members of the “New Class” occupy which of the following occupations_________________?

aComputer programmers

bMBAs staring their own firms

cOut of work middle managers

d journalists’ academics media commentators

Life expectancy is____________________?

a about the same across social classes

blower for the upper-middle class

c lower for the lower classes

dlower for the middle class

The categories used by researchers to pigeonhole people into social classes__________________?

a reflect the common -sense self-ratings of individuals

b indicate that there are two classes the working class and the middle class

ctend to be arbitrary and artificial

dadequately reflect the complexity of the American class system

The victims of crime tend to be_______________?

amembers of the middle class

bmembers of minority groups


dB and C

View Answer B and C

Max Weber,s notion of life chances closely resembles the concept of________________?

asocial status

bpersonal power

csocial power

doccupational prestige

View Answer personal power

The nation that social institutions reinforce and legitimize class division is derived from___________?

aKarl Marx

bEmile Durkheim

cAdam Smith

dMax Weber

View Answer Karl Marx

The view that inequality is based on the corrupting and divisive actions of institutions is part of the ideology of_______________?

asocial Darwinism

b classical conservatism

c structural functionalism

dclassical liberalism

View Answer classical liberalism

According to Blau and Duncan occupational upward mobility is greatly influenced by______________?

a the amount of education

b occupation of the father

c the nature of the first job

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

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