Economics MCQs

Page No. 51

By advocating the acquisition of “more androgynous roles” by both men and women what is meant is that________________?

abisexuality should be the norm

b we should adopt passive roles

c we should adopt blurred ill-defined roles

dwe should combine male and female sex-typed traits

Women’s rate of diagnosed depression is__________________?

a twice as high as men’s

b half that of men

cthe same as men’s

d similar in duration to that of men

Which statement appears to be most correct__________________?

agender roles have been reversed

bin a marriage spousal role are egalitarian

c housekeeping and childcare are still considered women’s work

dsex roles are blurred

Women are a minority group insofar as_______________?

athey are treated unequally and are aware of their minority status

bthey are residentially segregated

cthey control few resources

dall of the above

Male dominance is expressed_____________________?

a in spite of ours being an egalitarian society

bby the frequent instances of sexual harassment on the job

cfor the lack of wage parity

dall of the abov

View Answer all of the abov

Women first assumed subordinate roles when they_________________?

astayed home when men hunted

bceased to gather the majority of the food supply

cceased to gather the majority of the food supply

dleft home to gather food

Form the dawn of history through the development of agriculture______________?

a men and women participated in a sex-based division of labo

b human infants and their mothers had to protecte

cmales were assigned hunting and other dangerous task

d all of the above

View Answer all of the above

It is fairly certain that male and female brains________________?

a are functionally identical

bdiffer in left-right communication

c distribute sensory functions differently

ddiffer in size weight and capacity

Ageism asserts that___________________?

a wisdom accompanies advancing age

b each stage of life has its own rewards

cthe young are superior to the old

d life begins forty

The most obvious effect of sexism on women has been that they__________________?

ahave become passive and accepting of the status quo

b have been denied alternatives to the roles of wives and mothers

chave become masculine since they joined the work force

drealized that motherhood had fewer satisfactions than a career

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