Economics MCQs

Page No. 36

Marx regarded religion as______________?

aa deliberate hoax on the part of dominant classes

balienating on both personal and social levels

can opiate

d all of the above

View Answer all of the above

The theologian Ludwig Feuerbach portrayed God as_______________?

aan inappropriate object of worship

b a figment of the human imagination

ca sort of ideal

dall of the above


areinforce society’s nation of good and evil

b link the human and divine orders

cprovide a special feeling of belonging and power

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

In Melanesia “mana”is________________?

athe power of good over evil

b the power of evil over good

ca power that is neither good nor evil

d the food miraculously given to the escaped slaves in the wilderness

Durkheim viewed religion as a form of social_________________?





View Answer integration

Durkheim,s approach to religion involved the opposed concepts of_________________?

agood and evil

bchildren of light and children of darkness

cnatural and supernatural

dsacred and profane

View Answer sacred and profane

Islam was established_________________?

aabout the time of Moses

baround the time of the apostle Paul

cwell after the founding of either Judaism or Christianity

d400 years before the birth of Jesus Christ

Social scientists________________?

aprovide criteria for choosing a valid religion

bneither accept nor reject claims of divine revelation

chave no interest in the content of religious doctrines

dall of the above

Religion performs all but one of the following functions_______________?

aprovides answers to basic s for which there is no other authority

bsupports societal norms and values by transforming them into divine laws

c helps people deal with guilt for their transgressions offering a way back to a constructive life

dprovides a single set of norms that are universally accepted and agreed upon

The social class(es) least interested in church participation is (are)the_____________?

alower-middle class

bupper-lower class

cupper and lower classes

dnone of the above

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