Economics MCQs

Page No. 341

Before the 1978 reforms China had a(n) ?

aagricultural bank only

b urban credit cooperatives

cmono bank system

dhousing savings banks

View Answer mono bank system

Countries such as ________ that failed to adjust to a persistent external disequilibrium were more vulnerable to poverty displacement and even war ?

aJapan and Korea

bBrazil and Argentina

cAlgeria and Yugoslavia

d Singapore and Malaysia

When the world Bank or IMF requires improved external balance in the short run the agency may condition its loan on expenditure switching that is ?

a switching spending from domestic to foreign sources

bdevaluing local currencies

cincrease trade restrictions by imposing quota

dincrease government spending

Internal balance refers to ?

afull employment and price stability

bexports minus imports

cmonetary policy offsetting fiscal policy

dexports equal to imports

According to the Brandt report the IMF’s insistence on drastic measures in short time periods ?

acontributes to low-income countries recovery quickly

breduces basis-needs attainment

cmay lead to the downfall of governments

da ,b and c

View Answer a ,b and c

Which of the following may constitute the International Monetary Fund’s conditionality for borrowing?

agovernment reducing budget deficts

b limiting credit creation and liberalizing trade

cachieving market-clearing price

da ,b and c

View Answer a ,b and c

An increase in the budget surplus ?

aShifts the supply of loanable funds to the left and increase the real interest rateShifts the supply of loanable funds to the left and increase the real interest rate

bShift the supply of loanable funds to the right and reduces the real interest rate.

cShifts the demand for loanable funds to the right and increases the real interest rate.

dShifts the demand for loanable funds to the left and reduces the real interest rate

If Pakistani citizens become less concerned with the future and save less at each real interest rate ?

aReal interest rates rise and investment falls

bReal interest rates rise and investment rises

cReal interest rates fall and investment rises

d Real interest rates fall and investment falls

An increase in the budget deficit is ?

aan increase in public saving

b a decrease in private saving

c None of these answers

d a decrease in public savings

An increase in the budget deficit will ?

araise the real interest rate and decrease the quantity of loanable funds demanded for investment

b lower the real interest rate and increase the quantity of loaable funds demanded for investment

craise the real interest rate and increase the quantity of loandable funds demanded for investment

dlower the real interest rate and decrease the quantity of loanable funds demanded for investment

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