Economics MCQs

Page No. 328

________ is said to exist when the formation of a regional trading group leads to the reduction of trade with nonmember countries in favor of member countries ?

a trade creation

btrade diversion

ctrade exclusion

d trade distortion

View Answer trade diversion

If A forms a customs union with C, the value of trade diversion will be ?


b $10,000

c $20,000


View Answer $0

If A imposes a per unit tariff of $10 on imports from both B and C A will import ?

a 400 units from B

b200 units from C

c200 units from each

d400 units from B and 200 units from C

View Answer 200 units from C

Trade diversion takes place when ?

aa country moves from autarky to free trade

ba movement to a customs union reduces the costs of trade through standardization economic integration results in a

ceconomic integration results in a movement in product origin to a lower cost member country

d economic integration results in a shift in product origin from a lower-cost, nonmember country to a member country having higher costs

The implementation of a common market involves all of the following except ?

aelimination of trade restrictions among member countries

b a common tax system and monetary union

cprohibition to restriction on factor movements

d a common tariff levied in imports from nonmembers

As of 2002, the ________ became the official currency union of the European Monetary System ?





View Answer euro

The implementation of the European Union has ?

amade it harder for Americans of compete against the Germans in the British market

bmade it easier for Americans to compete against the Germans in the British market

cmade it harder for Americans to compete against the Japanese in the British market

d made it easier for Americans to compete against the Japanese in the British

The European Union is an example of a/an ?

acustoms union

b economic union

ccommon market

d free trade area

View Answer common market

The European Union has achieved all of the following except ?

a adopted a common fiscal policy for member nations

bestablished a common system of agricultural price supports

cdisbanded all tariffs between its member countries

dlevied common tariffs on products imported from nonmembers

Under the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy, a variable import levy equals the ?

aamount the which the EU’s support price exceeds the world price

bamount by which the world price exceeds the EU’s support price

csupport price of the EU

dworld price

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