Economics MCQs

Page No. 212

The Relative price (MRT)of S in terms of T i ?


b 1/2



View Answer 1/2

Country A has the comparative advantage in ?



c Both wine and beer

d Neither wine nor beer

View Answer Wine

In autarky, the relative price of wine, in terms of beer, in country A is ?

a1W = 1B

b 1W = 2B

c1W = 3B

d1W = 1/3B

View Answer 1W = 3B

In autarky, the relative price of X, in terms of Y in A would be ?

a 1/2 Y

b 3/4 Y

c1 Y

d 4/3 Y

View Answer 4/3 Y

If the countries were to trade along the lines of absolute advantage ?

a A would export X to B

bB would import Y from A

cNeither country would want to trade

dNone of the above

Country A has an absolute advantage in__________?

aProduct X

bProduct Y

cNeither X nor Y

d Both X and Y

View Answer Product Y

Absolute advantage is determined by ?

aactual differences in labor production between countries

b relative differences in labor productivity between countries

cBoth (a) and (b)

dNeither (a) nor (b)

According to the Classical theory of international trade ?

aOnly countries with low wages will export

bOnly countries with high wages will import

cCountries with high wages will have higher prices

dAll of the above are false

The classical trade theories of Smith and Ricardo predict that ?

a Countries will completely specialize in the production of export goods

bConsiderable trade will occur between countries with different levels of technology

cSmall countries could obtain of the gains from trade when trading with large countries

dAll of the above

View Answer All of the above

International trade is based on the nation that ?

aDifferent currencies are an obstacle to international trade

bGoods are more mobile internationally than are resources

cResources are more mobile internationally that are goods

dA country’s exports should always exceed its imports

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