Economics MCQs

Page No. 187

85% of the world’s population lives in developing countries and receives about _____ of the world’s income?



c 20%


View Answer 20%

The term Fourth World has been coined to describe ?

a the newly industrialized countries like Korea, Taiwan Malaysia

bThe republics of the former Soviet Union

cCountries that still have a communist government like China and Cuba

dcountries that have fallen far behind the economic advances of the rest of the world

The emigration of highly-skilled people from the developing countries is known as ?

aThe brain drain

bhuman capital deterioration


dlabor degradation

View Answer The brain drain

Simon S.Kuznets argues that the major stock of an economically advanced country is not its physical capital but ?

anatural resources

b body of knowledge


dquantity of labor

View Answer body of knowledge

Which of the following is Not True about education in LDCs ?

aPublic expenditure per student for higher education is about ten times as high as for primary education

bThe expansion of primary education redistributes benefits from the rich to the poor

cEconomists unanimously agree that LDCs should put greater priority on primary education

dBoys are sent to schools far more often than girls

Which of the following is NOT true about child mortality ?

aAbout 18 percent of the world’s deaths are among children less than five years old

b More than 98 percent of child deaths were in LDCs

cWorld-wide child mortality rates increased from 1990 to 2002

d19 of the 20 countries with the highest child mortality were in Africa

Of the 57 million people dying worldwide in 2002, _____ were from stroke and heart disease and ________ from cancer disproportionately from DCs?

a 17 million, 7 million

b 7 million, 0.7 million

c3 million, 1 million

d0.5 million, 5 million

Gunnar Myrdal argues that a major barrier to high labor productivity is ?

adue to a lack of education

ba class system in which the elite are contemptuous of manual work

cupper-and middle-class westerners

dThe lack of bargaining power y cheap labor

In a competitive economy, a worker earns an income equivalent to ?

aThe amount of brain drain

bMarginal utility

c Marginal Product

dThe substitutability of labor to capital

View Answer Marginal Product

By 2010 the U.S Census Bureau expects life expectancy in the tow southern African countries of Botswana and South Africa to be ?

a30 to 40 years, about the same as in 1995

b30 to 40 years, a fall of more than 10 years from 1995

c50 to 60 years, about the same as in 1995

d70 years, an increase from 1995

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