Economics MCQs

Page No. 162

A merger in which firms at various stages in a production process combine is a ?

aproduction merger

bvertical merger

cconglomerate merger.

dhorizontal merger

View Answer vertical merger

A merger between a paper producer and a book publisher is an example of?

aa conglomerate merger.

ba horizontal merger

ca complementary products merger.

d a vertical merger

View Answer a vertical merger

A horizontal merger is a merger of?

a firms producing unrelated products

bfirms producing complementary products

cfirms at various stages in a production process.

dfirms producing the same product

Supporters of antimonopoly enforcement argue that the real gain from such enforcement ?

ais that if encourages firms to engage in research which leads to new products

b is the revenue generated from the fines paid by those individuals who are found guilty of antitrust violation?

cIs that this policy serves to deter firms from engaging in such practices as collusion, price-fixing and deceptive advertising

d is that it forces firms to produce efficiently.

Which city has the following transport policy ?

a Car licenses are very expensive vehicle entry to the city center is very restricted road pricing is being introduced and modern cheap rail transport is being expanded




View Answer Singapore

Evidence suggests that the price elasticity of demand for motoring is ?

aabsolutely inelastic

bUnitarily elastic



View Answer Unitarily elastic

Spending on motoring as a % of household expenditure in the UK shows that motoring is ?

aEnvironmentally damaging

ban inferior good

ca potential public good

da superior good

View Answer a superior good

Which of the following help explain why firms pay bonuses to workers during particularly profitable years to prevent workers from becoming disgruntled ?

a people are rational maximizers

b People are reluctant to change their minds

c People are inconsistent over time

d People care about fairness

Which of the following is not true about how people make decisions ?

a people give too much weight to a small number of vivid observations

b People are sometimes too sure of their own abilities

cAll of these answers are actually true statements about how people make decisions.

dPeople are always rational maximizers

Suppose that 40 percent of the voting population wish to spent Rs1,000 for artwork in City Hall, 25 percent wish to spent Rs20,000 and 35 percent wish to spend Rs 22,000 What is the median preferred outcome, the average preferred outcome and the modal preferred outcome ?

a Rs20,000; Rs20,000; Rs22,000

b Rs1,000; Rs14,333; Rs1,000

cRs20,000; Rs13,100; Rs1,000

d Rs1,000; Rs20,000; Rs22,000

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