Economics MCQs

Page No. 15

The highest birthrates today are found in________________?

a highly developed nations

bthe underdeveloped nations

c. Japan

d Western Europe

Population density________________?

a always relates to birthrates

b. is low in Japan

c is low in Western Europe

d is high in industrial areas

The real problem in population growth is________________?

a sheer numbers

buneven density of population

cpopulation growth presents no problem

dthat most societies have a fertility rate

Urban families everywhere in the world_________________?

afollow the dictates of religion and culture

b voluntarily curb their fertility

c have attained zero population growth

d willingly accept governmental family planning


agenerally correspond to population density

bare low in Western Europe and Japan

c are high in Arabia and interior African

dare low BOTH in Western Europe and Japan and high in Arabia and Africa

Demographers believe that_______________?

a the demographic transition represents a general pattern

bWestern societies are doomed to extinction

cthe underdeveloped nations must increase their birthrate

dpopulation grows in inverse proportion to food production

Which subject is NOT studied by demography ?

aBirthrates death rates sex rates

b Age groups marriage incidence divorce frequency

cHuman mobility

d Rock forming land shaping soil forming

The number of births in a population in relation to every 1000 women of childbearing age in a year is called the________________?

a birthrate

bfertility rate

cpopulation pyramid

dpopulation growth rate

View Answer birthrate

Overpopulation is a problem worldwide but only in relation to________________?


b poor contraception

cpopulation density

dpolitical organization

View Answer demography

The processes of cultural change include______________?

aconservatism and reactionism

b innovation and invention

cconformity and obedience

dnationalism and patriotism

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