Economics MCQs

Page No. 117

Human life is acted out within a triangle of_______________?

a rules roles and norms

bsociety culture and the individual

c income safety and deference

d class status and power

Pivotal institutions_________________?

aarise from fundamental human needs

binclude government the economy education the family and religion

cdiffer in traits and culture complexes from society to society

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

Ethnocentrism refers to_______________?

aan attitude with which members of one society judge another society according to their own standards

b the attitude that cultures be analyzed on their own terms

c the attitude that certain values and practices are common to all cultures

dall of the above

“Head hunting is wrong “This statement is made from the point of view of______________?


bcultural relativity

cethnic uniformity

d cultural pride

View Answer ethnocentrism

The evaluation that a certain phenomenon is good beautiful moral right and therefore desirable is termed a_______________?





View Answer value

Which of the following is an example of material culture ?

a A football games

b The football itself

cThe NFL rules

d“competition is good for you”

When does a society need laws ?

a when people commit too many sins

bwhen the court system declares that they are needed

cwhen the folkways and mores are not sufficient to control behavior

d when it is necessary to create folkways and mores

The principal difference between people and other animals is that ?

aanimals larger and stronger

bpeople communicate with symbols while animals communicate with signals

cbiology dictates human behavior while instincts direct animal behavior

dpeople live in families while animals live in tribes

A counterculture ?

aemphasizes math

b is based in stores

copposes values of the mainstream culture

dnone of the above

Cultural universals include ?

apersonal adornment


cfood taboos

dall of the above

View Answer music

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