Economics MCQs

Page No. 108

An emotional disorder that still allows one to work in society is called a(n) ?





View Answer neurosis


a shows what is proper behavior

bhelps group cohesiveness

cpromotes social change

dall of the above

View Answer all of the above

According to the text the following people were/are deviant ?

aJoan of Arc


cThe Hell,s Angels

dPeople with high IQs

View Answer The Hell,s Angels

An infant,s cries for help_______________?

a signify a weakness in its development

bare instrumental in cementing the mother-infant bonding

cshould be ignored or the infant will be spoiled

dare natural in all mammals

The newest challenge to the family,s formerly exclusive claim to the socialization of its children has come from ?

a the peer groups

b the mass media

c the day-care center

dchild psychotherapy

Lawrence Kohlberg,s theory of moral development claims______________?

auniversal validity

blimited applicability to technologically advanced societies

cthe desire for equality is peculiar to democratic nations

d post conventional morality is a luxury few cultures and societies can afford

View Answer universal validity

In Erikson’s system each of the stages present the individual with________________?

a ethical dilemmas

bopportunities for self-transcendence

ccrises of self-definition

dall of the above

The term “Neo-Freudian “refers to__________________?

abehavior based on sexual drives

bthinkers prior to Freud who anticipated his ideas

c thinkers opposed to psychoanalysis

d thinkers influenced by Freud who have modified his ideas

The sequence of Freud,s psychosexual stages is_________________?

aanal genital oral phallic and Oedipal

boral anal phallic Oedipal and latency

coral Oedipal phallic latency and genital

doral anal phallic latency and genital

Psychodynamic approaches to personality are so named because _____________?

a they are based on a sophisticated definition of instinct

b they emphasize sexual dysfunction

cthey stress the irrational

dall of the above

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