Data Structures and Algorithms-I MCQs

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What is the disadvantage of using splay trees?

aheight of a splay tree can be linear when accessing elements in non decreasing order.

bsplay operations are difficult

cno significant disadvantage

dsplay tree performs unnecessary splay when a node is only being read

When we have red-black trees and AVL trees that can perform most of operations in logarithmic times, then what is the need for splay trees?

ano there is no special usage

bIn real time it is estimated that 80% access is only to 20% data, hence most used ones must be easily available

credblack and avl are not upto mark

dthey are just another type of self balancing binary search trees

Which of the following options is an application of splay trees?

acache Implementation


csend values

dreceive values

View Answer cache Implementation

What is a splay operation?

amoving parent node to down of child

bmoving a node to root

cmoving root to leaf

dremoving leaf node

View Answer moving a node to root

Is it true that splay trees have O(logn) amortized complexity ?



ceither true either false

dNone of the mentioned

View Answer true

Why to prefer splay trees?

aeasier to program

bspace efficiency

ceasier to program and faster access to recently accessed items

dquick searching

Which of the following property of splay tree is correct?

ait holds probability usage of the respective sub trees

bany sequence of j operations starting from an empty tree with h nodes atmost, takes O(jlogh) time complexity

csequence of operations with h nodes can take O(logh) time complexity

dsplay trees are unstable trees

What are splay trees?

aself adjusting binary search trees

bself adjusting binary trees

ca tree with strings

da tree with probability distributions

Who invented treaps?

aCecilia and Raimund

bArne Andersson

cDonald Shell

dHarris and Ross

View Answer Cecilia and Raimund

What is the priority of a null node?



crandom number


View Answer infinity

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