Computer Organization and Architecture Mcqs

Page No. 10

When using Branching, the usual sequencing of the PC is altered. A new instruction is loaded which is called as ______

aBranch target

bLoop target

cForward target

dJump instruction

View Answer Branch target

While using the iterative construct (Branching) in execution _____________ instruction is used to check the condition.




d None of the mentioned

View Answer Branch

The Instruction fetch phase ends with _________

aPlacing the data from the address in MAR into MDR

bPlacing the address of the data into MAR

cCompleting the execution of the data and placing its storage address into MAR

dDecoding the data in MDR and placing it in IR

The two phases of executing an instruction are __________

aInstruction decoding and storage

bInstruction fetch and instruction execution

cInstruction execution and storage

dInstruction fetch and Instruction processing

In a system, which has 32 registers the register id is __________ long.

a16 bit

b8 bits

c5 bits

d6 bits

View Answer 5 bits

The instruction, Add R1,R2,R3 in RTN is _______





View Answer R3<-[R1]+[R2]

Can you perform an addition on three operands simultaneously in ALN using Add instruction?


bNot possible using Add, we’ve to use AddSetCC

cNot permitted

dNone of the mentioned

View Answer Not permitted

The instruction, Add Loc,R1 in RTN is _______

aAddSetCC Loc+R1


cNot possible to write in RTN


View Answer R1<-[Loc]+[R1]

RTN stands for ___________

aRegister Transfer Notation

bRegister Transmission Notation

cRegular Transmission Notation

dRegular Transfer Notation

To overcome the problems of the assembler in dealing with branching code we use _____




dTwo-pass assembler

View Answer Two-pass assembler

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