Civil Engineering MCQs

Page No. 213

The C.G. of a plane lamina will not be at its geometrical centre in the case of a______________?

a right angled triangle

bequilateral triangle



Which of the following is the locus of a point that moves in such a manner that its distance from a fixed point is equal to its distance from a fixed line multiplied by a constant greater than one________________?





View Answer hyperbola

If three forces acting in different planes can be represented by a triangle, these will be in________________?


b partial equilibrium

c full equilibrium


View Answer non-equilibrium

The co-efficient of friction depends upon________________?

a nature of surfaces

barea of contact

c shape of the surfaces

dail of the above.

View Answer nature of surfaces

If three forces acting in one plane upon a rigid body, keep it in equilibrium, then they must either__________________?

ameet in a point

bbe all parallel

cat least two of them must meet

dall the above are correct

The algebraic sum of moments of the forces forming couple about any point in their plane is________________?

a equal to the moment of the couple


cboth of above are correct

dboth of above are wrong

A semi-circular disc rests on a horizontal surface with its top flat surface horizontal and circular portion touching down. The coefficient of friction between semi-cricular disc and horizontal surface is i. This disc is to be pulled by a horizontal force applied at one edge and it always remains horizontal. When the disc is about to start moving, its top horizontal force will____________________?

aremain horizontal

b slant up towards direction of pull

cslant down towards direction of pull


Kinetic friction is the________________?

atangent of angle between normal reac-tion and the resultant of normal reac-tion and the limiting friction

bratio of limiting friction and normal reaction

cthe friction force acting when the body is just about to move

d the friction force acting when the body is in motion

Dynamic friction as compared to static friction is________________?




dmay be less of more depending on nature of surfaces and velocity

View Answer less

If rain is falling in the opposite direction of the movement of a pedestrain, he has to hold his umbrella_________________?

amore inclined when moving

b less inclined when moving

cmore inclined when standing

dless inclined when standing

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