Chemical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 680

Pick out the wrong statement. Raoult’s law does not apply, when the______________________?

aSize of component molecules are not equal

bAttractive forces between like and unlike molecules in the solution are approximately equal

cComponent molecules are non-polar

dChemical combination or molecular association between unlike molecules takes place in the formation of solution

Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to the analogy between equations of heat and mass_________________?

aSherwood number in mass transfer is analogous to Nusselt number in heat transfer

bPrandtl number in heat transfer is analogous to Schmidt number in mass transfer

cReynolds number in mass transfer is analogous to Grashoff number in heat transfer

dReynolds number remains the same in both heat and mass transfer

Water entrained by circulating air in cooling towers is termed as____________________?


bBlow down

cVapor load

dNone of these

View Answer Drift

Alcohol is dehydrated using _______________________ distillation?





View Answer Azeotropic

Pick out the wrong statement ?

an solvent extraction, the distribution co-efficient should be as large as possible for solvent economy

bWith increase in pressure, the solubility of gases in solvent increases at a fixed temperature

cDecrease in Murphree plate efficiency is an indication of entrainment in distillation column

dThe capacity of a distillation column is maximum at total reflux

Pick out the wrong statement ?

aChange in barometric pressure does not affect the relative humidity

bIn case of a packed tower, the operating velocity is about half of the flooding velocity, generally

cElution’ means the desorption of the adsorbed solute by a solvent

dThe equilibrium moisture content of the solid can be reduced by increasing the absolute humidity

Pick out the wrong statement?

aMass transfer co-efficient does not account for gas-liquid diffusion

bDiffusion co-efficient and mass transfer co-efficient are not same in any mass transfer operation

cContacting cold vapor-gas mixture with hot liquid exemplifies humidification process

dContacting cold liquid with warm vapor-gas mixture exemplifies dehumidification process

Pick out the wrong statement ?

aMechanical agitation is required, if the system has low interfacial tension

bSieve tray towers are generally used for systems having low interfacial tension

cWhen Henry’s law constant is very small, then the mass transfer rate is controlled by the gas film resistance

dTaylor-Prandtl analogy for heat and mass transfer considers the transfer through both laminar and turbulent layers

Pick out the wrong statement ?41311

aCo-current absorbers are usually used, when the gas to be dissolved in the liquid is a pure substance

bIn case of gas absorption, HETP is equal to HTU, when both the operating line & the equilibrium lines are parallel

cHatta number is important in case of gas absorption with chemical reaction

dIn actual practice, absorption is an endothermic process, while stripping is an exothermic process

Pick out the wrong statement ?

aHigh early strength cement are made from materials having high silica to lime ratio

bThe function of gypsum in cement is to enhance its initial setting rate

cAcid resistant cements are known as silicate cement

dMajor component of greyish Portland cement is tricalcium silicate

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