Chemical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 671

Steam distillation is not recommended to be used, if the _____________________?

aAzeotropic mixture is to be separated and the final product is miscible with water

bLiquids decompose, if distilled directly at atmospheric pressure

cMaterial cannot be distilled by indirect heating even under low pressure, because of the high boiling temperature

dMaterial to be distilled is thermally unstable or has the tendency to react with other components associated with it, at the boiling temperature

Which of the following is considered equivalent to one theoretical stage in Mc-Cabe Thiele’s method ?

aPartial condenser

bTotal condenser


dBoth B. and C

View Answer Both B. and C

During constant rate period, the rate of drying decreases with the______________________?

aDecrease in air temperature

bIncrease in air humidity

cBoth A. and B.

dNeither A. nor B.

View Answer Both A. and B.

Packed column distillation is limited to the column _____________ metres?

aHeight < 6

bDiameter < 0.6

cBoth A. & B.

dNeither A. nor B.

View Answer Both A. & B.

In case of constant underflow extraction operation, the _______________________ at all solute concentration?

aSolids are drained to the same extent

bRatio of the insoluble to solution is constant

cBoth A. & B.

dNeither A. nor B.

View Answer Both A. & B.

According to Poiseuille’s law, the permeability for gas flow through a capillary is proportional to (where, μ = gas viscosity)___________________?





View Answer 1/μ

Even though bubble cap towers are very effective for humidification operation, they are not used commonly in industries, because of the_________________?

aHigh evaporation losses of water

bHigh pressure drop of the gas

cDifficulty in its fabrication

dNone of these

Pick out the correct relationship. (Where, Ri = internal reflux ratio Ro = external reflux ratio.) ?

a(1 + Ro) = Ro/Ri

b(1 – Ro) = Ro/Ri

c(1 + Ri) = Ro/Ri

d(1 – Ri) = Ro/Ri

View Answer (1 + Ro) = Ro/Ri

The humid volume may be increased by increasing the____________________?

aTemperature at constant humidity

bHumidity at constant temperature

cBoth A. and B.

dNeither A. nor B.

View Answer Both A. and B.

Tower diameter may be decreased by__________________?

aUsing higher reflux ratio

bUse of increased tray spacing

cIncreasing the liquid flow rate

dIncreasing the vapour flow rate

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