Chemical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 635

Make up water is supplied during cooling tower operation to compensate for water losses due to______________________?




dAll A., B. & C.

View Answer All A., B. & C.

An ideal tower packing should not _______________________?

aHave low weight per unit volume

bHave large surface area per unit volume

cHave large free cross-section

dHold up large amount of liquid in the packing

Positive deviation from Raoult’s law means a mixture whose total pressure is___________________?

aGreater than that computed for ideality

bLess than that computed for ideality

cLess than the sum of the vapour pressure of the components

dNone of these

(NSh/NRe.NSc) is termed in mass transfer operation as the __________________________?

aStanton number

bPeclet number

cThermal diffusivity

dMomentum diffusivity

View Answer Stanton number

The operating line for an absorber is curved, when plotted in terms of _______________________?

aMole fractions

bMole ratios

cPartial pressure

dMass fractions

View Answer Partial pressure

One mole feed of a binary mixture of a given composition is flash vaporised at a fixed P and T. If Raoult’s law is obeyed, then changing the feed composition would effect ?

aThe product composition but not the fraction vaporised

bThe product composition as well as the fraction vaporised

cThe fraction vaporised but not the product composition

dNeither the product composition nor the fraction vaporised

The rate of solid-liquid extraction is limited by the_________________?

aPhase change of the solute as it dissolves in the solvent

bDiffusion of the solute through the solvent in the pores to the outside of the particle

cDiffusion of the solute from the solution in contact with the particle to the main bulk of the solution

dAll A , B. & C.

View Answer All A , B. & C.

The rate of mass transfer is not dependent upon the______________________?

aDegree of dispersion of one fluid in the other

bInterfacial surface exposed between the phases

cBoth A. & B.

dNone of these

View Answer None of these

Gaseous diffusion co-efficient increases with increase in the_____________________?



cBoth A. & B.

dNeither A. nor B.

View Answer Temperature

In case of steam distillation, the steam leaving the liquid is not completely saturated with distillate vapour, because_______________?

aTemperature is less

bTotal pressure is less

cMixing of steam with the material being vaporised is not so intimate as to result in equilibrium condition

dSaturated steam is used for steam distillation

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