Chemical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 566

6 gm of carbon is burnt with an amount of air containing 18 gm oxygen. The product contains 16.5 gms CO2 and 2.8 gms CO besides other constituents. What is the degree of conversion on the basis of disappearance of limiting reactant ?





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A first order reaction requires two equal sized CSTR. The conversion is____________________?

aLess when they are connected in series

bMore when they are connected in series

cMore when they are connected in parallel

dSame whether they are connected in series or in parallel

The optimum performance for reactors operating in parallel is obtained when the feed stream is distributed in such a way, that the_________________?

aSpace time for each parallel line is same

bSpace time for parallel lines is different

cLarger reactors have more space time compared to smaller ones

dNone of these

What is the order of a chemical reaction of the bellow figure, if the rate of formation of ‘C’, increases by a factor of 2.82 on doubling the concentration of ‘A’ and increases by a factor of 9 on trebling the concentration of ‘B’ ?





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Higher free energy of activation of a chemical reaction (at a given temperature) implies ____________________?

aSlower rate of reaction

bHigher rate of reaction

cHigher equilibrium conversion

dBoth B. and C.

As the chemical reaction proceeds, the rate of reaction ___________________?



cRemain same

dMay increase or decrease depending on the type of reaction

View Answer Decreases

Integral method for analysing the kinetic data is used _____________________?

aWhen the data are scattered

bFor testing specific mechanisms with simple rate expressions

cBoth A. and B.

dNone of these

View Answer Both A. and B.

A pulse tracer is introduced in an ideal CSTR (with a mean residence time I) at time, t = 0. The time taken for the exit concentration of the tracer to reach half of its initial value will be__________________?





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Inversion of cane sugar is an example of ______________________?

aUnimolecular reaction with first order

bBimolecular reaction with second order

cBimolecular reaction with first order

dUnimolecular reaction with second order

A typical example of an exothermic reversible reaction conducted at high pressure in industry is____________________?

aDehydration of ethanol

bMethanol synthesis

cReformation of methane

dPolymerisation of ethylene

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