Chemical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 545

In a chemical reaction, _____________________ are conserved?




dBoth B. & C.

View Answer Both B. & C.

Sulphuric acid is used as a catalyst in the_______________?

aHydrogenation of oils

bGas phase oxidation of SO2 in chamber process

cAlkylation of hydrocarbons

dNone of these

An autothermal reactor is_________________?

aMost suitable for a second order reaction

bMost suitable for a reversible reaction

cCompletely self-supporting in its thermal energy requirements

dIsothermal in nature

Which of the following will favour the reverse reaction in a chemical equilibrium reaction ?

aIncreasing the concentration of one of the reactants

bIncreasing the concentration of one or more of the products

cRemoval of at least one of the products at regular interval

dNone of these

For a vapour phase catalytic reaction (A + B → P) which follows the Ridel mechanism and the reaction step is rate controlling, the rate of reaction is given by (reaction rate is irreversible, product also absorbs) ?

a-rA = (k . PA . PB)/(1 + KAPA + KPPP)

b-rA = (k . PA

c– k1PP)/(1 + KAPA + KPPP)

d-rA = (k . PA . PB)/(1 + KAPB + KBPB . KPPP)

At a given temperature, K1, K2 and K3 are equilibrium constants for the following reactions 1, 2, 3 respectively. CH4(g) + H2O(g) ⇌ CO(g) + 3H2(g), CO(g) + H2O(g) ⇌ CO2(g) + H2(g) CH4(g) + 2H2O(g) ⇌ CO2(g) + 4H2(g) Then K1, K2 and K3 are related as ?

aK3 = K1.K2

bK3 = (K1.K2)0.5


dK3 = (K1.K2)2

View Answer K3 = K1.K2

For reactions in parallel viz A → P (desired product) and A → Q (unwanted product), if the order of the desired reaction is higher than that of the undesired reaction, a_________________?

aBatch reactor is preferred over a single CSTR for high yield

bTubular reactor is preferred over a single CSTR for high yield

cBoth A. and B.

dSingle CSTR is the most suitable

View Answer Both A. and B.

A first order reaction requires two unequal sized CSTR. Which of the following gives higher yield ?

aLarge reactor followed by smaller one

bSmaller reactor followed by larger one

cEither of the arrangement A. or B. will give the same yield

dData insufficient, can’t be predicted

The rate of a chemical reaction is almost doubled for every 10°C rise in temperature. The rate will increase ______________ times, if the temperature rises from 10 to 100°C?





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For the liquid phase zero order irreversible reaction A → B, the conversion of A in a CSTR is found to be 0.3 at a space velocity of 0.1min-1. What will be the conversion for a PFR with a space velocity of 0.2 min-1? Assume that all the other operating conditions are the same for CSTR and PFR ?





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