Chemical Engineering MCQs

Page No. 3

Pick the odd man out?

a Briquettes


cOil gas

dPitch creosote mixture

View Answer Wood

Ostwald charts are meant for__________________?

aComputing the excess/deficiency of combustion air

b Calculation of flue gas temperature

cComputation of flue gas analysis

d None of these

Which of the following furnaces will have maximum thermal efficiency ?

aSoaking pits

b Walking beam reheating furnace

c Boiler furnace

dRotary kilns

View Answer Boiler furnace

The function of an economiser in a boiler is to preheat the _____________________?

a Feedwater

bCombustion air

cPulverised coal

dFurnace oil

View Answer Feedwater

Which of the following is not an additive for flue gases from furnace to reduce its dewpoint ?


bFine dolomite

cAlkaline powders

dNone of these

View Answer None of these

Out of the following fuels used in a furnace exhausting flue gas at a temperature of 600°C, the percentage stack loss will be maximum in case of complete combustion of_________________?

aFurnace oil with air

bFurnace oil with oxygen

cBlast furnace gas with air

d Blast furnace gas with oxygen

Fuel economy in an industrial furnace operation cannot be achieved by the use of__________________?

a Stoichiometric combustion air

b Non-preheated combustion air

cCombustion air not enriched with oxygen


Pick out the wrong statement ?

a A ceramic material which becomes fluid upon heating and can be moulded in liquid/viscous

bCeramic materials do not undergo vitrification on heating

c Ceramic materials are brittle in nature

d Non-oxide ceramic materials generally act as a semi-conductor

Pick out the wrong statement?

a Fluxing material like lime is added in clay to reduce the vitrification temperature

bMain constituents of clay are alumina and silica

c Addition of sand in ceramic materials makes it non-plastic, increases its fusion point and reduces its shrinkage on burning

d Vitrification of fireclay material is done to increase its porosity

Which furnace employs preheating, heating and soaking zones ?

a Soaking pit

bReheating furnace

cOpen hearth furnace


View Answer Reheating furnace

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